Dokumentation zu: dump_driver_info(E)

HR Image

        #include <driver_info.h>

        int dump_driver_info(int what)
        int dump_driver_info(int what, string filename)

        Dumps information specificied by <what> into a file
        specified by <filename>. If <filename> is omitted,
        a default file name is used. The function calls
        master->valid_write() to check that it can write
        the files. The file in question is always written anew

        On success the efun returns 1, or 0 if an error occurred.

        <what> == DDI_OBJECTS:
          Dumps information about all live objects.
          Default filename is '/OBJ_DUMP',
          valid_write() will read 'objdump' for the function.

          For every object, a line is written into the file with the
          following information in the given order:
            - object name
            - size in memory, shared data counted only once
            - size in memory if data wouldn't be shared
            - number of references
            - 'HB' if the object has a heartbeat, nothing if not.
            - the name of the environment, or '--' if the object
              has no environment
            - in parentheses the number of execution ticks spent
              in this object
            - the swap status:
               nothing if not swapped,
               'PROG SWAPPED' if only the program is swapped
               'VAR SWAPPED' if only the variabes are swapped
               'SWAPPED' if both program and variables are swapped
            - the time the object was created

        <what> == DDI_OBJECTS_DESTRUCTED:
          Dumps information about all destructed objects. 
          Default filename is '/DEST_OBJ_DUMP',
          valid_write() will read 'objdump' for the function.

          For every object, a line is written into the file with the
          following information in the given order:
            - object name
            - number of references
            - 'NEW' if the object was destructed in this execution
              thread, nothing if it is older already.

        <what> == DDI_OPCODES:
          Dumps usage information about the opcodes.
          Default filename is '/OPC_DUMP',
          valid_write() will read 'opcdump' for the function.

        <what> == DDI_MEMORY:
          Dumps a list of all allocated memory blocks (if the allocator
          supports this).
          Default filename is '/MEMORY_DUMP',
          valid_write() will read 'memdump' for the function,
          and the new data will be appended to the end of the file.

          If the allocator doesn't support memory dumps, this call will
          always return 0, and nothing will be written.

          This works best if the allocator is compiled with

          NOTE: Make sure that this option can't be abused!

        Introduced in LDMud 3.5.0.

        driver_info(E), object_info(E), interactive_info(E)

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